Daily Wellness

The Wayfinding Log™

In ancient times, travelers moving through uncharted waters utilized a number of different tools to find and stay on the right path. Termed "wayfinding," this method requires consistent observation, implementation, evaluation, and course corrections to be successful. Consider this daily organizer your Wayfinding Log.

Waterwell Integrative Wellness Guide, Waterwell Center for Well-being, Kristen Johnson, Kristen N.M. Johnson, Wellness Guide. Wellness Journal,

Healthier, more focused choices each day

Each day for twelve weeks, you will be provided with a daily Wayfinding Log.™ Tracking your daily habits encourages you to make healthier, more focused choices throughout each day. Collecting this data will help you discover what most affects your overall well-being. This data allows you to evaluate your wellness journey and to implement beneficial changes based on that evaluation.

Welcome to Waterwell™